SEL means mind control through abusive emotional manipulation. We're in a fully fledged communist coup straight out of Yuri Bezmenov's USSR buidling playbook, and the soft minds of the children are always the first target because by controlling their minds you control the future:


Stage #1 — Demoralization (This stage can take up to 20 years to complete.)

Bezmenov described the First Stage, demoralization, as a process of gradually eroding the values and beliefs of a society until its members no longer have a clear sense of right and wrong.

This involves the gradual erosion of traditional values, such as patriotism, family values, and religion.

This is achieved through the spread of propaganda that promotes moral relativism and undermines the authority of traditional institutions, along with psychological warfare, and infiltration of key institutions such as education and media.

Stage #2 — Destabilization (This stage can last for 2–5 years)

The Second Stage, destabilization, involves creating economic, social, and political chaos in a society.


Some videos on this in case you have not seen them KF:

CRT Removes the Reason to Try, This is Not Theoretical: Black Lawyer Excoriates Critical Race Theory: https://old.bitchute.com/video/DaS25FLR8ktR [2mins]

Very Insightful: How ESG & Emotional Abusive Schooling Will Achieve the WEF's Great Reset: https://old.bitchute.com/video/vS0ykC9Y20Vt [6:02mins]

Common Core ELA Social Justice Activism Indoctrination: https://youtu.be/FSHoxWaVeto [11mins]

“The predominant value system of an entire culture can be overturned in one generation, or certainly in two, by those with unlimited access to children.” -Dr. James Dobson

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have planted will never be uprooted. -Lenin

“We’ll get you through your children!” -Roger Kimball

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Another homerun! Excellent job bringing attention to identity issues. Self-consciousness is almost indistinguishable from anxiety and fear. The more we think about ourselves, the more miserable we are.

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Thank you! SO TRUE!

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It’s as if you read my mind. This is exactly the article I was planning to write!

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Weird! 😆

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Another code word for the Obama/Clinton/Biden cockroaches to hide under.

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